If you are a large brand, you will need to answer questions about whether you disclosed to CDP Climate Change and CDP Water.

If this applies to you, you may see certain issues greyed-out, meaning you don’t need to answer them. Your scores for the greyed-out issues will instead be derived from your performance on those standards or assessments as follows:

If you disclose to CDP Climate Change, your scores for the following Issues will be derived from your grade:

  • Climate Change Measurement
  • Climate Change Reduction
  • Climate Change Targets

For example, if you received an "A" grade, you will score 100% for all of the above issues. This means you won't need to answer questions in the above items and they will be greyed-out. 

If you disclose to CDP Water, your scores for the following Issues will be derived from your grade:

  • Local Impact
  • Stakeholders
  • Water Targets
  • Water Reduction
  • Water Measurement
  • Water Management

For example, if you received an "A" grade, you will score 100% for all of the above issues. This means you won't need to answer questions in the above items and they will be greyed-out. 

Note: the CDP Forest standard will be assessed for inclusion in an upcoming methodology review.